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温州肯恩大学2024年秋季公开招聘18人 公告

温州肯恩大学 | 2024-09-04 16:14







  三、报名时间:2024年8月31日-2024年9月19日 16点









  2)资格复审时间将会通过邮件另行通知,应聘者须在指定时间接受资格复审。资格复审时,出现以下任一情况均视为应聘者自动放弃应聘资格:a. 无法提供要求的所有材料;b. 提供的材料中显示与报考资格条件不相符;c. 未在规定时间内完成资格复审。

















  Wenzhou-Kean University Recruitment Announcement for Fall 2024

  Wenzhou-Kean University, a Sino-American cooperative university with independent legal personality, is dedicated to "finding different development paths for different students." With faculty and students from five continents, it fosters a diverse campus culture, an efficient work management team, and extensive career development opportunities. The university is now openly recruiting staff members externally. We welcome talents who embrace the Kean philosophy to join us in our efforts to build an international university with world-class educational standards.

  I. Job Positions and Requirements

  Please refer to the list of positions at the bottom of the announcement for the positions and basic requirements, and the specific job requirements are detailed in the job description in Application Portal.

  II. Application Method:Application Portal (Click to apply)

  III. Application Period: August 31, 2024 - 16:00 September 19, 2024

  IV. Qualification Review

  Applicants must obtain the corresponding academic degree certificates by September 19, 2024. Those graduated from overseas universities must also obtain foreign degrees and academic degree certification issued by the China Scholarship Council (CSCSE).

  The calculation of work experience ends on September 19, 2024. When filling in the most recent work experience in the application system, the end date should be selected as September 19, 2024.

  If the applicant's major name does not match the job requirements but the study direction is similar, our university will determine eligibility based on the reference to university disciplines and program settings.

  If the job requirements specify certain language abilities, professional titles, skills, experiences, or trainings, applicants must fill in the relevant information truthfully, detailedly, and clearly during the application process.

  All work, internships, part-time jobs, and project management experiences during full-time studies do not count as work experience.

  Preliminary and Final Qualification Reviews:

  The preliminary qualification review will be conducted online uniformly after the application deadline based on job requirements.

  The final qualification review date will be notified separately via email. Applicants must attend the final review at the specified time. Failure to do so under any of the following circumstances will result in automatic disqualification: a) inability to provide all required materials; b) materials indicating ineligibility; c) failure to complete the final review within the specified time.

  The Chinese and English information submitted during the application process and the materials provided for qualification review must be consistent, true, accurate, and valid. Any false or misleading information or materials used to obtain application or employment qualifications, or intentional concealment of personal information, will result in immediate disqualification upon verification. Applicants are responsible for the consequences of any errors in the information they submit.

  V. Assessment

  The assessment consists of a comprehensive written test and a professional assessment, both conducted on-site and not available online. The total score is 100 points, with 60 points as pass,calculated as follows: Total Score = Comprehensive Written Test Score × 40% + Professional Assessment Score × 60%, rounded to two decimal places.

  Comprehensive Written Test: Full score of 100 points, focusing on candidates' comprehensive qualities and English abilities. Candidates will be selected for the professional assessment based on a 1:8 ratio of the planned job positions to the number of candidates passing the written test. In case of a tie, all tied candidates will proceed to the next round. If the ratio falls below 1:8, all candidates will advance to next Professional Assessment.

  Professional Assessment: Focusing on candidates' job fit and professional competencies, typically consisting of two rounds of interviews. The first round may be replaced by a professional written test for certain positions. Each round is scored out of 100 points. The total score for the professional assessment is calculated as: Total Score = First Round Interview/Assessment Score × 50% + Second Round Interview Score × 50%, rounded to two decimal places.

  Based on the first round scores, candidates will be selected for the second round of interviews in a 1:3 ratio. In case of a tie, all tied candidates will proceed. If the ratio falls below 1:3, all candidates will advance to the second round.

  No specific assessment scope or study materials are designated for this recruitment. There is no minimum examination ratio. Absence from any assessment stage will result in automatic disqualification.

  Detailed examination arrangements will be notified via email. Please ensure the email address provided during registration is accurate and check spam folders.

  VI. Physical Examination

  Candidates will be selected for physical examination based on the final scores in a 1:1 ratio for each job position, from highest to lowest. In case of a tie, the candidate with the higher interview score will take precedence (if still tied, an additional test will be required). The list of candidates selected for physical examination will be published on the Wenzhou-Kean University official website.

  The physical examination will be conducted according to civil servant standards and organized by the university. Candidates must attend the examination with their ID cards at the specified time, location, and as per the requirements. Failure to do so will result in automatic disqualification.

  VII. Other Information

  Hired individuals must report to work within the time frame specified by the university; failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the employment offer.

  For any questions, please emailhiring@wku.edu.cn.


序号 部门 岗位名称 招聘人数 专业要求 学位 工作年限
1 财务部 财务专员 1 财务会计类专业 硕士及以上学历,或本科且具有会计师及以上职称 /
2 传播与公共关系部 市场传播专员 1 中文、新闻、艺术设计、英语、传播等相关专业 硕士 /
3 国情学院 体育教学管理岗 1 体育类专业(排球、羽毛球、乒乓球)专项 硕士 /
4 教学部 教学管理专员 1 / 硕士 /
5 教学部 课程事务与数据管理专员 1 / 硕士 /
6 教学部 专业发展与考务管理专员 1 / 硕士 /
7 发展规划部 高等教育研究岗 1 教育经济与管理或比较教育学、高等教育学专业 硕士 /
8 人力资源部 组织人事专员 1 / 硕士研究生及以上,或本科学历具有中级职称 2年相关工作经验
9 人文学院 传播学科教学秘书 1 新闻媒体相关专业 硕士 /
10 图书馆 学科馆员 1 图书馆学、信息科学相关专业 硕士 /
11 校办公室 档案专员 1 / 硕士研究生及以上,或本科学历具有中级职称 /
12 校办公室 高级翻译 1 英语或翻译相关专业 硕士 /
13 校办公室 文秘岗 1 汉语言文学、文秘、新闻学、教育学等相关专业 硕士 /
14 校建部 工程管理岗(景观绿化) 1 景观设计、园林绿化相关专业 硕士研究生及以上,或本科学历具有中级职称 1年及以上该专业工程现场管理经验或设计工作经验
15 学生事务部 书院导师 2 / 硕士  /
16 学生事务部 心理咨询师 1 心理,临床心理咨询方向相关专业 硕士 1个月以上的三甲医院的精神科/心理科或者国外临床地点的实习经验;国内注册督导师督导证明或国外督导项目100小时及以上
17 招就办 创新创业专员 1 / 硕士 /



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